Right of Way in a Roundabout
As Singaporeans, roundabouts seem to confuse us. Perhaps it’s the lack of roundabouts on our roads that contributes to this unfamiliarity – there are just an estimated 50 roundabouts left in Singapore!
The most popular roundabout (and largest cause of driver headaches) is Newton Circus, linking the Novena and Newton areas with a whopping eight exits. Despite having four lanes, Newton Circus is typically a scene of chaos due to drivers making mistakes such as using the wrong lane, and failing to signal their intentions correctly.
Something that most drivers might not know, are the instructions in the Basic Theory of Driving that guide road users on how to use a roundabout safely. Essentially, the one-liner that governs traffic in a roundabout is simply, “slow down when approaching a roundabout and give way to traffic on your right.” This aside, it’s also important that you are aware of which exit you intend to take before approaching the roundabout.

In the graphic above, you’ll see the correct lane to form up in and correct route to take across a roundabout, depending on your intended exit. Inside a roundabout, always check your mirrors, exercise caution, and manoeuvre your vehicle in a way that avoids inconveniencing other drivers.